NCT DREAM Open Up on Maturing & Taking More Creative Control in Group’s ‘New Chapter’

K-pop group NCT DREAM share social messages in 'DREAM( )SCAPE' album with lyrics and involvement for "Smoothie," "BOX," "UNKNOWN" and new songs.

Why was “Smoothie” the right song to choose the single for this important album?


JAEMIN: There are a lot of ingredients from which you make a “Smoothie” pictured in the music video, and what we wanted to express was cutting through all these bad ingredients to viewers — that’s the plot point that you might want to look forward to the most when watching.


(재민 : 뮤직비디오에 나오는 "Smoothie"를 만드는 많은 재료들이 있는데, 우리가 표현하고 싶었던 것은 시청자들에게 이 모든 나쁜 재료들을 잘라내는 것이었습니다. 그것이 시청자들이 시청할 때 가장 기대하고 싶은 줄거리입니다.)
